Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Guns Germs and Steel

The main reason Africa got exploited was that Europeans had, the best weapons around at that time. They had perfect living conditions and were able to cultivate the best crops; Europe was placed so perfectly that it was at a perfect distance from the Equator to have the best climate for crops to grow. As they had good living conditions they had better resources and were able to manufacture guns. So when this was done when they achieved a sustaining society they went to invade other nations. They landed in Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town and parts of South Africa had similar climatic conditions as of Europe so they began to cultivate similar crops and used their guns to overpower the local tribes and took away their lands. Now as the new settlers made their Journey north they came across other tribes which they also began to overpower using their Guns. Now as the settlers started to cultivate they labored hard and found that their crops would die. They constantly became sick and came into contact with diseases that they were not aware of. They used similar farming techniques as they used in Europe, like farming closer to rivers, lakes and ponds but still failed to cultivate healthy crops. But the local African tribes lived a healthy life and had their villages and cultivations on higher grounds. When the settlers started to travel north they were not aware that they were leaving their similar climatic zone and headed closer to the Tropics a climatic zone that is pretty hard to survive. The locals lived on higher grounds away from the water bodies that mosquitoes breed on. So now the settlers started to think and began to use the locals as slaves on their farms. So after the found gold and diamonds in the region, they needed a way to get these resources from the inland to the coast of South Africa to be exported into Europe. So began the great railroad tracks across Africa where steel began to play their major role and a recourse which the Europeans had in plenty. So this is how Guns Germs and Steel played their respective roles in the conquest of Africa. Well taking into the considerations that countries in the tropics are not the strongest in the economic world, but what about Malaysia and Singapore, Singapore considered one of the Tigers from the East has a very high standard of living and great economic strength. How is it possible for countries like Singapore and Malaysia to grown despite having negative geographical locations? These countries in the early 1950-1960 saw to that they had a clean environment free from mosquitoes. Which causes malaria, so does geography play an important role in the economic development of a country. Please let me know your thoughts.
I’m starting my journey on May 21st so will keep you posted on all my experiences in the nations of South Africa and Malawi.


Adolfus said...

good one reflection Sam!
keep it coming

Sam said...

think the innocence of the people and lack of knowledge about the outside world caused the Europeans to use their people and recourses for their own gain. Also their might be a possibility that the European seeing the wealth Africa had could have caused them to fear that sooner or later they could have become a super power and can over throw them so they did everything they can do to exploit the land and used them as slaves so they can never develop.