Monday, June 30, 2008

Wild Safari

Well i had my first african safari yesterday was fun saw hippos,crocs,elephats and bucks for the first time i felt like i was in a cage and the animals were roaming free and i knew how it would feel for them to be held in captive in zoo's. It was really fun to see how animals live in their own habitat. Hippos were fun watching and was scared of the crocs they were really close to us and very very huge but we had good guards on our boat not exactly crocodile dundee but they knew what they were doing. We also crossed paths with elephants but we tried not to get them angry. On the whole the day was fun its things like this that make me want to travel more and more. I feel that the travelling i have done is just the begining and would love to travel more........

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Repellants and us

Yesterday after i finished reading the bible i was reflecting to my self what i did that day, i also had a thought here in malawi i use repellants to keep the mosquitoes away and use hand sanatisers to keep myself safe. But then i thought what sought of repellant am i using to prevent me from the worldy things and the prince of darkness. We spend our lives in using certain kinds of repellants such as ignorance to evil we turn our back to certain people in trouble me included. The i thought the only repellant that can help us is the bible if we meditate on it and follow the principles inside i think thats the biggest and best repellant of all. Wishes

Monday, June 23, 2008


Hey i feel horrible to see and hear about the turmoil in zimbabwe, i think the international community should step up their effforts. I think personally if there was large reserves of oil, giants would have been more inclined and we would have seen another invasion? Why doesn't growing giants like India china take an active role in international crisis. Does it always have to be the bigger power blocs. I think when a govt has forced its oppostion away from participating in its elections its the end of democracy. Why have the big preachers of democracy turned their back on this nation that was once prosporous. I feel sad and to see the horrid images of torture from zim'bwe.....its only a matter of time. it's only a matter of time that these genocide will grow so bad at soon zimbabwe will be called mugababwe............

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lake Malawi...

Well i just visited lake malawi last weekend, it was such a pretty place i have been to places but this place was so beautiful it was quite calm and with scenic hills in the background i missed my wifey there hopefully we will go there together. I have a strong desire to work in this country for a longer period of time. I dont knowif thaz gods plan lets c. So we went to Boadzulu island it has several species of birds,fishes and water lizards. We spoted eagles,tropical fishes and water monitor. It was fun to see the people fish in the lake CHAMBO is the best fish there realy then yeserday i visited Ndirandi it the slums of blantyre its so sad to see people live in underpar housing sourrounded by trash and sewage. It touched me a lot......

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tamizha Tamizha

Walking on the streets of blantyre, suddenly i hear a guy speaking Tamil, i felt as if i was back home in chennai, i spoke to the guy his name is Moghan from chennai works here as a pharm'st...we hung out ate briyani, watched suntv and k tv.......he tells me there are around50-60 tamilians in can't i find tamilians in this world.....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Govts way of life

People here love two and polotics. People like american polotics than americans, every asks me if i like Obama or hillary(but now i guess its obama or mc cain), people in developing countries look upto their governments as if they were gods, but governments take advantage, presidents want to serve life time of presidency. Will democracy work every where or is it just for selected countries....people here beleive in democracy but people are scared to speak out. Can there be a time when the whole world is democratic? I think people start to care about who is the president only if they are in utter povertry, countries that have a stable economy dont seem to care who the hell becomes president because they have such a high standard of living. What do you all fell

Friday, June 6, 2008

me...myself and i

My day to day life in Blantyre is pretty quite not so high rolling as in DC, the city is like a ghost town after 7, people have a very close knit family life. Its funny because its like hot for me but people here are wearing jacksts cos its their winter, it feels like an american spring. I'am starting to cook....its ediable i think i found out new stuff to cook...selective adaptation?....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

No internet for a week

Hey i did not check my e-mail for a week, living a nomad life is pretty nice...i had a bunch of e-mails to reply time...i guess life is really different without an internet around. I am still having fun in Malawi....and enjoying every bit of it.